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Banners are now available - show your support!

Thanks to volunteers, we now have many banners available to show you support of the Free Software Pact! They are all under a Free licence (the first series under the same licence as the website, the second series under a CC-0 licence), so dont hesitate to use them, modify them. Your can also offer your own!

Square 125x125 banner


125x125 square banner. Use following HTML code to embed in your website:

<a href=""><img alt="Free Software Pact banner" title="The Free Software Pact" src=""/></a>

Rectangular 728x90 banner


728x90 rectangular banner. Use following HTML code to embed in your website:

<a href=""><img alt="Free Software Pact banner" title="The Free Software Pact" src=""/></a>

Rectangular 300x250 banner


300x250 rectangular banner. Use following HTML code to embed in your website:

<a href=""><img alt="Free Software Pact banner" title="The Free Software Pact" src=""/></a>

Rectangular 468x60 banner


468x60 rectangular banner. Use following HTML code to embed in your website:

<a href=""><img alt="Free Software Pact banner" title="The Free Software Pact" src=""/></a>

Rectangular "signatory" banner


400x150 rectangular banner. Use following HTML code to embed in your website:

<a href=""><img alt="Free Software Pact banner" title="The Free Software Pact" src=""/></a>

More banners of this type can be found here.

Rectangular "supporter" banner


400x150 rectangular banner. Use following HTML code to embed in your website:

<a href=""><img alt="Free Software Pact banner" title="The Free Software Pact" src=""/></a>

More banners of this type can be found here.